Natural Home Remedies for Arthritis Backed by Science

When one wants relief from painful arthritis symptoms, not just aches and pains, but those that often go unnoticed, it’s wise to consult a medical professional as they may recommend medication as an option. However, there are other options that can bring relief as well as feed the body with some potent nutritional benefits.

These natural remedies from a powerful combination of herbs and vitamins, can help to bring on the pain relief one has been looking for.

Drinking Ginger Tea

Multiple studies have shown that ginger can replicate NSAIDs, the front-line drugs used to relieve arthritis pain. It seems to function by reducing pain-causing chemicals that are linked to the body’s inflammatory response but don’t contain the side effects seen in medications. Use raw, powdered, or lightly cooked fresh ginger generously in a meal. Prepare ginger tea by adding slices of ginger for 15 minutes to a few cups of simmering water, or purchase ginger tea bags from the store.

Consume Foods That Fight Inflammation

Get rid of junk, fried, fast, and processed food if the goal is to improve joint pain. According to a Sweden-based study of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, those who transitioned to a Mediterranean-style–meal plan (comprising veggies, fresh fruits, fish, whole grains, nuts, olive oil, garlic, onions, and herbs) didn’t have as much inflammation and gained some physical abilities back as a result.

Use Pleasant Spices

Fragrant aromas such as lavender can reduce the perception of pain. Japanese researchers discovered that lavender lessens levels of cortisol, the stress hormone which can make one relaxed and less cognizant of pain. But besides lavender, other spices can also be beneficial as a home remedy to relieve arthritis pain.

Korean researchers discovered that arthritis patients experienced significantly less pain and depression when they were surrounded by aromas of a wide range of kitchen spices, including rosemary, marjoram, and peppermint.

For a pain-relieving aromatherapy treatment, add one teaspoon of preferred dried herbs to a quarter-cup of coconut, olive, or vegetable oil. Take a whiff at frequent intervals.

Wash Dishes

It may seem counterintuitive, but this easy kitchen task relieves hands experiencing arthritis pain. This works because when one dips their hands in hot water, it can help relax joints, muscles and relieve stiffness. In addition, gripping and sponging repeatedly works as an exercise to keep the hands and fingers mobile, which also supports joint pain relief.

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