What Do These Common Dog Behaviors Mean?

If you have a pooch, you’ve likely looked at them and wondered what they’re thinking about. As much as we love our adorable dogs and care for them as family members, there’s no denying that they’re a different species with their own specific behaviors. While each dog has certain unique characteristics and personality traits, some behaviors are common across dog breeds. Here’s a look at some of the most common behaviors among dogs and what they mean.

Howling and Barking

It’s not pleasant to hear a dog howl, but remember that dogs can’t speak, so they use howling and other such forms of communication to alert you to danger. Most dogs are naturally wired to sense danger. So, if you hear your pet howling, it could mean that your pooch has sensed some danger or is uncomfortable. There also seems to be a high level of correlation between barking and howling; instead of howling, some dogs bark when they are wary of a stranger or they happen to sense danger. Other common reasons for barking include attention-seeking, excitement, fear, boredom, and pain.

Heavy Panting

Unlike humans, dogs can’t cool themselves down, so panting is normal behavior for happy, active dogs. There’s usually no cause for concern. But if you see your dog panting excessively on a very hot day, make sure to check if they are suffering from a heat stroke. A few other warning signs to watch out for include restlessness, not responding to you, laying flat on the ground, etc. If you think your furry friend may be suffering from a heat stroke, rush to the veterinarian as soon as you can.

Running in Circles

Dogs love to run around in circles – in fact, it is one of their favorite games. The good news is that you can often join in and have some fun with your pooch when they’re doing this (bring a ball to make things more interesting). The American Kennel Club says dogs run around in circles when they have an excess amount of energy – the activity helps them release all that energy in one go. That said, if you notice your dog running in circles far more often than usual, there may be an underlying health issue. In such a case, make sure to visit the veterinarian as soon as you can.

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